Walsh’s Second Anniversary Clothing Drive a Success!

June 14, 2018 in Firm News by walsh.law

Walsh Pizzi O’Reilly Falanga LLP celebrated its second anniversary during the month of May by holding a clothing drive. Christine I. Gannon, the attorney coordinating the project, explained:  “Since the traditional second-anniversary gift is cotton, the firm collected business wear to benefit Dress for Success® and Career Gear®,...

Firm Anniversary Clothing Drive

May 17, 2018 in Firm News by walsh.law

Walsh is celebrating its second anniversary in the month of May.  Since the traditional second-anniversary gift is cotton, the firm is hosting a clothing drive to benefit Dress for Success® and Career Gear®.  Dress for Success empowers women to achieve economic independence by providing a...

Walsh Establishes SHU Law Bar Prep Fund

March 20, 2018 in Firm News by walsh.law

This fall, Walsh Pizzi O’Reilly Falanga LLP donated $100,000 to Seton Hall Law to create a Bar Prep Assistance Fund that will provide financial assistance to recent graduates during their bar examination preparation. More information about this initiative is available here. For more information, contact Liza M....